Wednesday, March 18, 2009


After analyzing runways and retailers season after season,I can't help but wonder about this generation and what fashion represents today. Think back to our past decades .I'm sure you've noticed how each decade has a certain "look", am I right?

For example, The Victorian era. It represented etiquette and was all about beautiful, breathtaking (literally) corsetry. Also think about the freedom and glamour of the flappers in the 30's and 40's ,the (puff puff pass) hippies of the 70's and their
Flower power prints (cough cough).Oh and the 80's, ahhh the birth of Hip-Hop ...Music Great ! Fashion sense - highly questionable! You know you want to laugh whenever you come acrossa photo of yourself in the 80's ( not that the 70's were any better) .Oh, the horror !

Well anyways, what I wanted to point out was our generation in today's world.
The first decade of the 21st century.What the heck are we about? What's our "Look"?
I can tell you one thing , it's definitely all over the place, just like we are.

I guess it's safe to say that it's about innovative hybrids.We are borrowing elements from past decades and merging it with the future. See it in cars, see it in food, see it colors, people, cultures, see it in FASHION ! Now, 2010 is right around the corner and before you know it we will be entering a new decade.....I can't wait to see what's in store for us.

Considering this economy's death-bed condition,the black garbage bag dress will probably become the "Key" item.Buy stock in HEFTY !.... I kid, I kid.

Check out some examples Below.

Amelia Earhart Goes Glam.
Hybrid 1 -(Modern Aviation ?)

Hybrid 2 - Party or Lounge? You decide .

Hybrid 3 - Modern Tribal?

Hybrid 4- Xray fashion. Faux outerwear with intimate influences.
I don't know of a person who would wear this, but if you do, I say

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